I remind you. in this "WAR AGAINST FORGETTENESS" -EZLN
The wind itself won't let me forget you
whispers your songs to me
your deep dreams
your weeping cries
that drown me in the darkness.
I remember you
in the eternal passion of the cumbias
in my bare feet
in the sway of my hips
to the rhythm of the son jarocho. Rhythm of eternal flowers
I remember you in the burning fire
healer of pains
in the flowing water
in the earth that still remembers your name and calls me: "Mijx, come home," and I pray to the mother who welcomes you in her womb: "Aqui estoy" (here I am).
and the birds tell me stories of when they met you and let me know that you are well, they pass me your messages on their flights.
And I sob without knowing why. I don't remember your face, but you never forgot me, and today, at the same hour, at the same instant, our prayers become one: the eternal love of ancestors,
flowing through my body, a ritual, a ceremony of self, a ceremony of life, of an eternal love that not even 500 years of colonization have been able to erase. Aho.