ConeXión Kooltura - Blog




By Roberto Carmona

When people ponder the last time they truly enjoyed moving their body around, they often will bring up fond memories of themselves at a park or playing with friends, a pastime that society has conditioned us to outgrow. We usually associate having fun by climbing monkey bars, jumping off slides, and hopping over fences as something for children playing around or viewed skeptically as behavior typical of troublemakers seeking a quick escape. But what if someone never lost that innate playfulness with movement? What would that be called? I would call it parkour.

Parkour is a movement discipline in which individuals learn how to move and adapt to the environment around them, refining each motion to the point where creativity in movement becomes a primary goal. As a kid, I wondered why traditional sports like soccer and football failed to capture my interest. Then, a friend recommended a television show, and from that moment, I was hooked. I began exploring different moves and ways to hop around my neighborhood by myself. I was never bored trying to push my limits. Yet, the feeling of being the only kid in this stuff made me feel the weight of isolation, and the loneliness of pursuing it alone eventually took its toll on the fun. 

Parkour is a movement discipline in which individuals learn how to move and adapt to the environment around them, refining each motion to the point where creativity in movement becomes a primary goal.

That’s when I discovered Sessions (which was named Bay Area Movement at the time). It was a gym that taught what I was eager to learn and had a beautiful community of like-minded individuals with shared interests. Stepping inside, I instantly realized I was finally free from my boredom. Embracing the opportunity, I enrolled as a student and was fortunate to become a coach and part of the Sessions crew. 

Sessions, a BIPOC-owned business, stands as the Bay Area's sole parkour training facility, dedicated to inspiring, empowering, and educating the people of San Jose by promoting parkour as both a discipline and an art form, as well as a community practice designed to help others grow. Founded in 2014 by Angel Abiang and Diana Silva, alongside original coaches Frank Fuentes and Desheay Jenkins, Sessions first began classes outdoors before progressing to a small garage, then expanding to a 10,000 sq. ft. facility at its current location in Eastside San Jose. For years, through different trials and tribulations, Sessions has remained committed to serving the San Jose community and shaping incredible athletes and individuals within parkour and beyond.

Parkour is an infinite practice that begins within each of us, often before we even recognize it. Its possibilities are boundless with exploration, and discovery of oneself within parkour will never end.